Make Your Lawn Great Again: 4 Benefits of Lawn Aeration

You take the time to cut, weed, water, and fertilize your lawn. It looks green and impressive, demonstrating the time and hard work that you put into it. However, one day it begins to turn a brownish colour and because you have done everything right you are stumped as to why this happened.

This may be because you have not aerated your lawn. This process consists of removing plugs of grass in your lawn, ensuring water, nutrients, and oxygen enjoyed on your lawn’s surface is enjoyed below the soil as well. Although lawn aeration has been proven to be successful in allowing for healthy grass, many homeowners still opt not to do it.

Below are reasons why you should consider the lawncare process and ways that it will help your lawn look great again.

1. Thatch reduction

Thatch refers to layers of dead grass between the soil and the roots. Its presence in your lawn is crucial because it protects the roots and keeps your grass from becoming too hot, cold, or wet. However, too much can keep out the water, sunlight, and nutrients your grass needs to be healthy and therefore you need to take steps to control its thickness.

Lawn aeration can help you control or reduce the thatch in your lawn. The holes that you punch in your lawn help break this barrier, allowing for entryways for essential light, water, and nutrients to infiltrate the soil. Aeration also allows microorganisms into the top thatch lawyer that play a significant role in decomposing it.

2. Reduces puddling

Water is obviously crucial to the survival of your lawn. However what some people do not know is too much water can kill the grass because it can drown roots. Puddling can introduce fungus and diseases to the roots of the grass as well and can plug the pores in the soil that should be letting in oxygen.

The lawn aeration process can assist you in preventing or addressing puddling on your lawn. The holes created during the procedure effectively act as drains, allowing the soil to absorb what it needs and dispose of what it does not.

3. Improves soil

The condition of the soil of your lawn is important as it holds the nutrients that allows it to grow and be healthy. However, a common occurrence among lawns is soil compaction. This occurs when the soil is pressed firmly together, reducing pore space and preventing water, air, and nutrients from getting in. This can happen due to factors such as the weight of a lawnmower, foot traffic, and heavy animals. When it does occur, it can cause dead spots and patching.

Lawn aeration can help alleviate soil compaction. The hole punches made in your lawn break up the soil, allowing for essential nutrients and air to get to the roots of your grass. This will allow proper and healthy growth of your grass because it loosens up the soil allowing it to better hold water and nutrients that your lawn needs.

4. Better growth

As a homeowner, there will certainly be times where you need to seed your grass. Failure to do so will result in thin, shallow grass, dead spots, and patches that will make your lawn look unhealthy and unsightly.

Lawn aeration assists in seed growth. The grass cores removed in the process provide perfect places for seeds to stay and germinate. In doing so, these seeds are able to establish deep roots, allowing for healthier grass. Lawn aeration aids in overseeding processes as the increased water allowed into the cores provides a moist environment perfect for seed growth.