8 Common Mistakes Made With Replacement Windows

Whether you’re renovating your home or it’s simply time to upgrade your windows, there’s no doubt that choosing replacement windows is a major commitment and investment. Choose the wrong windows and you may regret your choice for years to come.

This isn’t a decision that you want to take lightly. But with so many options to consider, so many styles, colours, and materials to choose from, how can you make sure you’re buying the right replacement windows?

You can start by ensuring that you can avoid these common and costly mistakes.

1. Choosing Price over Quality

Replacement windows are certainly an investment. You’re going to shell out a pretty penny to upgrade all the windows in your home. But that doesn’t mean you should be choosing your new windows based on price. Cheap materials will have a shorter lifespan and will end up costing you more in the future in maintenance and replacement costs. You’ll likely also face energy losses, too.

2. Not Asking Questions

Unless you’re a renovation or window professional yourself, you will likely have a limited knowledge of the different types of windows available to you, as well as their pros and their cons. To avoid buying the wrong ones, make sure you ask enough questions to make the right decision. Window professionals will be able to guide you in the right direction, so you can feel confident in your choice.

3. Not Considering Different Options

It’s easy to simply upgrade your windows with newer versions of the exact same ones you already have. This is particularly true if you don’t know much about the window options available to you. However, over the years, there have been many improvements made to window designs and new advanced features added in modern windows, including double and triple panes, wood interiors, tilt-in windows for easy cleaning, low-maintenance vinyl and fibreglass exteriors, and Energy-Star-certified windows. You would be doing yourself and your home a disservice by not considering all your options.

4. Not Considering Maintenance Costs

Different types and styles of windows will require a different commitment level when it comes to maintenance. Vinyl, aluminum, and fibreglass windows, for example, are typically lower maintenance. On the other hand, wood windows will require regular sanding and repainting to keep them looking good.

5. Ignoring Glazing Options

Conventional clear glass might be classic, but new glazing options are now available, and you should consider them and determine which one works best for your needs. Some types of glazing options to consider for your new window replacements include decorative, textured, heat-absorbing, reflective, low-emissivity, and tinted.

6. Forgetting about the Importance of Aesthetics

This is a common mistake homeowners make when they’re only replacing a few windows in their home. They purchase new tinted and energy-efficient vinyl windows, for example, but they fail to consider that the rest of their windows aren’t tinted and are made of wood. At the end of the day, this leads to a mismatched appearance that decreases the aesthetic value of the home. Make sure to coordinate the overall look of your windows when choosing styles, types of windows, and glazing options.

7. Not Factoring in Comfort

Choosing replacement windows solely due to their look or style can lead to discomfort. Before making your decision, consider where the windows will be located and how they might cause discomfort to people in those rooms. The wrong windows may lead to glare, poor visibility, hot spots, or even drafts in certain areas.

8. Ignoring Security

Your windows should look good, be energy-efficient, and fit with the rest of the home’s aesthetic. But they should also be secure. The wrong windows can make you vulnerable to break-ins and theft, so make sure to factor security features into your decision.