4 Dental Health Activities You Should Do Every Day

Your teeth are noticed by many and having healthy ones can demonstrate the time and effort you put into your appearance. Most people think that they take adequate care of their teeth by taking the steps recommended to them by their dentist.

However, a lot of people fail to take into account that these tasks need to be completed regularly in order for you to see the benefits of them. Below are 4 things you need to do daily to ensure your teeth are healthy and in the best shape possible.

1. Brush

Brushing your teeth seems to be an obvious step to achieving healthy teeth. However, some people fail to brush the 2 to 3 times per day that is recommended or their technique is incorrect and therefore results in cavities and gum disease.

To help your teeth stay strong and healthy, it is crucial to brush them twice per day at the very least, ideally after meals. They should be brushed three times but with employment, school, and other obligations during the day this may not always be possible. If it is not, try to at least drink water throughout the day to wash away anything that could cause bacteria. Your brushing technique should consist of a full 2 minutes, focusing on top and bottom teeth.

Be sure to brush your teeth gently as scrubbing them will result in gum recession that can cause the exposure of nerves in the future. Hold your brush at an angle towards the gums so the bristles can clean the areas between your teeth and gum.

2. Floss

All dentists recommend flossing once daily. Yet most people only do it a few times per week or if they have something stuck in their gums. Some do not do it at all. Neglecting to floss daily can cause plaque to build around your roots and between your teeth, leading to cavities and gum disease eventually.

Your teeth will be healthy and you can avoid dental issues later on by flossing once daily. Doing it any more than this may result in gum irritation therefore it is not recommended.

Use enough floss to comfortably get to all of your teeth and be sure to floss between all of your teeth with a gentle sawing motion. If desired, flossers with a little piece of floss attached to a handle work just as well. 

3. Rinse

Rinsing your teeth with mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing and flossing and doing so will have disappointing results. However, mouthwash can help prevent tooth decay and help resist acids found in many foods and drinks that can cause damage to your teeth.

If you are going to use mouthwash, make sure there are benefits that will help your teeth. Otherwise, you will only be helping your breath which is important but has no bearing on the health of your teeth. When using mouthwash, use a small amount and swish it around your mouth for 30 to 60 seconds. Make sure you get both sides of your mouth and move it to the back to ensure you are getting rid of the bacteria in that area. Spit it out when finished. 

4. Clean your tongue

Dentists recommend cleaning your tongue every time you brush your teeth. This is because your tongue is a haven for bacteria that can cause cavities if not addressed.

To clean your tongue with your toothbrush, add toothpaste to it and brush your tongue in circular motions. Some toothbrushes have tongue scrapers attached to the back of the head. If using this, apply it to your tongue and rinse your mouth with water when finished.