4 Ways DNA Testing Helps Your Personal Life

DNA genetic testing identifies abnormalities in genes, proteins, and chromosomes. In doing so, it is able to tell a person if they are at risk of developing a genetic condition. While it cannot tell a person how severe the condition will be, DNA genetic testing is beneficial nonetheless and here are 5 ways it is extremely helpful.

1. Personal health

Your personal health is important to you. It makes sense to want to identify your risk of inheriting a genetic disease so that you are prepared. That way, you and your doctor can take steps to treat it if you do indeed become ill due to the disease.

A DNA test is able to tell you what your chances are of getting certain genetic diseases. For example, gene mutations specific to Parkinson’s disease can appear on a DNA test. As a result, you and your physician can identify it early and take steps to address it. If you are not experiencing any symptoms of a disease that the test says you are susceptible to, you can at least make lifestyle changes to minimize your risk.

2. Children’s health

Your child is your flesh and blood and you would be understandably devastated to find out they are suffering from a genetic disease that could have been detected before any symptoms presented themselves. This is a perfect reason why DNA genetic testing is so helpful.

As mentioned, DNA genetic tests are able to tell you how likely your child is to inherit a disease. Some parents are reluctant to be privy to this information because they do not want to worry needlessly if their child does not end up falling ill to the disease. However, being aware that there is a chance of it happening means you can be aware of what you are up against and plan appropriately.

3. Planning

You want to have a child and you obviously want your offspring to grow up happy and healthy. However, in the back of your mind is a possibility that you or your partner may be the carrier of a serious and devastating genetic disease.

With the help of DNA genetic testing from providers like CRI Genetics, the results will provide you with the opportunity to have yourself and your partner tested for diseases that could put future children at risk. If you are already expecting, prenatal testing can be completed to see if the fetus if affected. When you aware that there is a chance your future or unborn child may have a genetic condition allows you to plan a lot better and you will be well-prepared.

4. Treatment needs

It is a common occurrence where people experience symptoms of an illness but do not know what could be causing them and no diagnosis has been given. It then becomes difficult to look at treatment needs as the person and their doctor struggle to find answers.

Having a DNA genetic test completed gives you a profile of all conditions you are susceptible to. As a result, when symptoms present themselves, you and your doctor can compare them to the conditions listed and narrow down possibilities. In doing so, treatment regimens can be composed of quickly, allowing you to receive the treatment you need in a timely manner. Being able to identify and treat conditions in extreme cases can increase your quality of life and even save it. If you are experiencing no symptoms but a test informs you that you are at risk of a condition, you can then decide to go for check-ups on a more regular basis and initiate changes in your lifestyle especially as you get older.